miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

The Look – The basic idea behind dressing like a hipster is not trying whatsoever. In fact, getting dressed in the dark would probably be an excellent way to nail the carefree, relaxed look that hipsters embody. Therefore, my main advice to you for dressing like a hipster: don’t care.
The Components -If you’re anything like me, not caring about how your outfit is not an option. Therefore, I’ve compiled a list of a few key wardrobe necessities that will no doubt let people know “I AM A HIPSTER” right away.
The Glasses: A hipster always wears frames that are too thick to not have been inspired by Dexter’s Laboratory
The Flannel: I shouldn’t even have to tell you this but it should be oversized and never match the rest of your outfit.
The Hat: Any respectable hipster should own at least two beanies, one must be gray. Fedoras are also accepted (especially those with tiny feathers).
The Scarf: Buy lots! Buy them in every shape, size, pattern or color. You’ll be warm and stylish, it’s a win-win.
The Cardigan: Cardigans are a staple of the hipster wardrobe. They can be found anywhere from the Gap to thrift stores. Hipsters generally sport cardigans that are too large with a deep v-neck and buttons (which looks awesome over your v-neck tee).

The Shoes: Hipsters like to walk, a lot, so the shoes should be comfortable. Try checking out a pair of oxfords, but your dirty old Converse will also fit the bill.
The Ironic Sweatshirt: This sweatshirt should be a pull-over. The front should have either kittens on it, Christmas décor or both. Also, it should be worn un-ironically. Or ironically. Whatever.

The Real Deal
While people (myself included) may joke about hipster fashion, there is something to be said for the true hipsters. These people are unabashedly themselves and never let anyone tell them who to be, what to do and especially not how to dress. So, if you know a hipster or if you are a hipster (not that you’d know it, but maybe you suspect) then more power to you, and check out this contest over at College Magazine. Happy hipster-ing!
P.S. Don’t forget your skinny jeans.

How to Dress Like a Hipster 

hipster1 How To Dress Like A Hipster
F*ck Consumerism – Okay. This idea is very important. Avoid purchasing any clothing made by a large corporation, more importantly clothing that flaunts a logo. The point is to be unique and at the same time, anti big-business. So feel free to grab an old used t-shirt from a place like American Rag (Website). Or, even better, check out a local vendor that carries new products with a “used” look. Our favorite new place is LOVE NAIL TREE, a local company that uses their clothing to promote important topics that are ignored too often. Check out their stuff on the website.

hipster2 How To Dress Like A Hipster
Its All in the Jeans –  Remember those high wasted Levi’s that your mom used to wear? Well, no matter if you are a man or a woman, pull those jeans out of the attic and slip ‘em on! The older and tighter the better.  If you can’t find them at home, a great place to pick up a pair is Wasteland, with locations in Hollywood and Studio City.
Feeling crazy? Take things to next level by turning those jeans into shorts. For women, you can choose your preferred length, but for men, be sure to cut your jeans to right above the knee!! If you happen to come across a jean jacket, that’s another perfect item to add to your new look! Feel free pull out the scissors and turn that into a vest as well! (Important Reminder: Jean SKIRTS are STILL a NO. Please..NO.)

 hipster3 How To Dress Like A HipsterZip it up – If it zips in the front and has a hood, you are good to go. Fitted hoodies are a perfect way to hipster-fy your clothing collection and they are always easy to find at your local American Apparel.

hipster4 e1341883416264 How To Dress Like A HipsterPlay Dress Up - For the ladies who like to wear dresses, it is very important that the fabric have either a floral print or contain some sort of lace. Think Mayim Bialik from the hit ’90′s TV show, ”Blossom.” If you are concerned that your vintage lace dress is too see through, throw a neon colored bra or tank under it and you are good to go. Make up your way to Buffalo Exchange to purchase your new frocks.

hipster5 How To Dress Like A Hipster
A great way to spice things up is to add a colored/printed pair of tights. And for the final touch, feel free to slip on your Doc Marten lace-up boots or a simple pair of flats. Remember, nothing has to match! (But, print on print is never a good thing, so spare us.)

hipster6 How To Dress Like A Hipster
In Your Shoes – If you know one thing about fashion these days, it’s that old dirty Converse shoes are always a yes. Ladies, flats are always an easy fix, as well as any sort of cowboy boot. Low-cut ankle boots are great for pants, shorts and dresses too. Men, since everyone and their mother seems to wear converse, we say change it up a bit by wearing those old black Doc Marten boots from 1995 or even slipping on a pare of comfy Keds (new or old.) And stay away from flip flops, they are guaranteed to blow your cover!

hipster7 How To Dress Like A Hipster
Accessorize - Accessories are very important with this look. Don’t worry about matching!  Throw on some feather earrings, and as many silver and gold necklaces and bracelets that you can dream of. Chunky colored plastic items or a long necklace with a charm are always fun too! Check out the Fairfax Flea market to pick out a gold bicycle, a silver gun, or a copper camera charm to add to the bottom of your chain.

hipster8 How To Dress Like A Hipster 
And last but not least, glasses, glasses, glasses! The easiest way to fit into the coffee shop crowd is to throw on a pair of thick, black rimmed, glasses. If you are not into that shape, feel free to wear any sort of vintage style frame. Don’t have bad eye site? Even better! The hipster look is all about irony, so feel free to wear your large black rimmed Ray Bans without lenses. Seriously. A great place to try on some hip frames is SLOW on Melrose.

Okay, we have given you the run down. Its time to go shopping! You can do it! We believe in you!! See you in Silverlake. Just don’t take it too far!

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012


Algunas cosas que te deberían dar en clases:


Algunas paginas donde te puede enterrar de todas las novedades:
entre otros 

Cosas que estan buenas

Aquí hay una serie de cosas que para mi son buena :D

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


*De tal palo tal astilla

*En boca cerrada no entran moscas


*Hombre prevenido vale por dos.


*Haz bien sin mirar a quien.

*Más vale pájaro en mano, que cien volando. 

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

 Estilo Directo

- ¿Cuándo me vas a enseñar a tocar la guitarra, Inés?
- ¡Mira que eres pesado, Antonio; lo intenté el verano pasado y lo único que hacías era reírte!
- ¡Que no, de verdad, que ahora me lo voy a tomar en serio!
- Bueno, de acuerdo, ven mañana a mi casa y empezamos.
- ¿Me prestarás la guitarra de tu hermano?
- Eso tienes que pedírselo a él.

 Estilo Indirecto

Antonio le pregunto a Inés que cuando le iba a ensenar a tocar guitara, a lo que Inés le respondió que no por que en el verano ella intento y el serio de ella, Antonio le prometió que lo iba a tomar enserio, a lo cual Inés estaba de acuerdo y lo invito para que fuera a su casa al  otro día para empezar, Antonio le pregunto a Inés que si le podia dar la guitara de su hermana y Inés le respondo que el debía preguntar.